This post is going to be very philosophical but it is something I have written for myself, whenever I will feel low and need some positive talks, I will come to this post and will read it. Though I have made this post as public for few others as well who may need this.
We all have many questions and complaints with our life, very rarely we appreciate it. Most of our time spent in cursing the life we are living. We have 8 out of 10 things with us, but we cry for those 2 things which we don’t have, because those 2 things seem above 8 things we have with us, those 2 things give us the happiness and entire life, but just in our vision of life. Once upon a time I was having a discussion with my aunt and she shared some great things with me, which was like this. We cry for people we really love and care in our life, if they leave us. And it is natural, but we can take one step ahead from the common crowd by thinking our life as a train where we are destined to meet very fixed set of people among billions of crowd on this earth, those fixed set of people travel with us in the train and we create a bond with them. Few will get in the train at some station and be with us till their station arriving and few will travel with us till the end. And we cry for those few who leave us very early, we curse them for some or other reason, not knowing the fact that they are supposed to be with us till that time only and their part in our life is over.
Everything that is going to be happen with us is written (I know few have different opinion for this, no offence to their thinking, but I strongly believe that our life is already written by the supreme power) some people in our story play the role of a mediator to finish the task and we consider them as bad, if things does not end in a way we want. Like in Ramayan, Ravan had to be killed only by Lord Ram and to start the beginning of that task, Kekai became the mediator and we considered her as a villain in the story.
To accept and implement the truth is very difficult, but to go to that level where we do not hate anyone and forgive everyone, it requires a lot from us, it will ask us to smile when we don’t want to, it will ask us to do many things which we probably don’t agree to do it but at the end it gives the eternal peace and happiness.
We always search the happiness of life from people outside, we call them, we meet them and share our stuffs, they listen to it, say few things in response and we feel light after that. We feel good after sharing. I also do the same thing. Ideally we shouldn't need people from outside giving us the happiness, we should be happy from inside and recover on our own, and then only we will be truly happy, we should seek happiness from inside. Our life is mostly run by people, not by us, even our happiness and woeful moments are also driven by them. Why the hell we are giving the thread of our life to someone, when we can handle it on our own. Its best if we start and learn these things early in life, as it gives us the chance of continuous improvement. Life is not meant to find ourselves, but it is to create ourselves.
Last night while chatting with one of my friend, I learnt a great thing, “Never become the causes of that much pain for someone that he/she cannot abide it” very true and deep lines, made me think for hours. Ups and downs are an integral part of the life, we just have to be calm and balance during bad time till it passes by without hurting anyone. Once we slowly adopt and accept the reality of life, it will no more be a complaint for us; it will be a gift for us that God has shared with us.